Oct 1st 2019

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Chris Hedges: "Democracy has been destroyed by global capitalism"

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Jun 1st 2009

North-Korea has exploded its second nuclear bomb. It is also testing long range missiles.

A nuclear North-Korea poses a risk not only for its neighbours, but arguably also for everybody else, because it might sell its bomb to terrorists. It would probably be relatively easy for America to destroy North-Korea's nuclear and rocket facilities, but it might have unpredictable political consequences.

What should America do? Please state your opinion below.

Apr 7th 2009

U.S. President Barack Obama seems to be off to a very good start in foreign affairs.

The G20 meeting in London has been praised both by the participants and by many political observers. There was a broad consensus in the meeting about the seriousness of the world economic situation, and about what must be done about it. George Soros said in an interview that for once the political leaders "were ahead of the curve", i.e. they were forming world events rather than reacting to them.

Feb 20th 2009

David Eichler writes in his article "The Unemployment Paradox and Commodity Taxes" that it was the burden of high commodity prices, particularly the price of oil -- and not the sub-prime loans -- that broke the back of the U.S. and world economy.

Feb 8th 2009

Paul Krugman wrote in his New York Times column on February 7, 2009, that the package to stimulate the American economy, proposed by the Obama administration, was too small and too focused on ineffective tax cuts. The tax cuts were included to appease the more conservative members of the Congress.

Feb 4th 2009

Pope Benedict XVI has lifted the excommunication of four traditionalist bishops, including British Bishop Richard Williamson, who a few days earlier said in an interview with Swedish State Television that the historical evidence "is hugely against 6 million Jews having been deliberately gassed" by Nazi Germany during the World War II.

Jan 26th 2009

After the devastating war in Gaza one wonders what the future of Israel is. There seems to be no prospect of peace. The hatred between the Palestinians and the Israelis is deep rooted and the war in Gaza has made things in this sense yet again worse. Israel's enemies might in the end be the ones who come out stronger from the war in Gaza in spite of not having won it. There is a real prospect of never ending conflict, and the time might not be on Israel's side. The settlements in the West Bank have probably made a two state solution unfeasible.

Nov 27th 2008

Last time I visited Mumbai was in February. I was there with my family. We had been invited to the wedding of the daughter of a friend of mine. Our friendship dates back to the 70's.

We stayed at the Oberoi. Part of the wedding celebrations took place at the Taj. Both hotels are now under attack.

This morning both my wife and I called and text-messaged our friends in Mumbai, none of whom had been hurt, but everybody - both them and us - is saddened by what has happened.

Nov 7th 2008

America is back - especially for those living in other countries. For many of us, America ceased to be the land of opportunity and fairness during the George W. Bush years. Bush took that ideal away from us with his ignorance, arrogance and cynicism -- especially during his first term. The election of Barack Obama as his successor did - by definition - remedy that. America is once again seen as the country of opportunity and fairness. People all over the world celebrate the election of Barack Obama, because they got their America back.

Nov 1st 2008

This summer FACTS & ARTS published an article by Michael Johnson about BlackLight Power, an American company claiming to have invented a completely new energy source.

BlackLight Power was founded by Dr. Mills some 20 years ago. Dr Mills studied medicine at Harvard University and continued with post graduate studies in physics at MIT.

Oct 19th 2008

General Colin Powell said during an interview on NBC's 'Meet the Press' on Sunday October 19 that he would be voting for Senator Barack Obama. "I think he is a transformational figure, he is a new generation coming onto the world stage, onto the American stage, and for that reason I'll be voting for Sen. Barack Obama," General Powell said.